And suddenly she realised that she was more powerful than her fear...

Every time she heard “You are such a NICE person “… she cringed.


Because she was so much more … but she acted like she wasn’t,

She chose kindness towards others … but sometimes she would forget about being kind to herself…


She lived a comfortable life…

She settled for the “just enough” and the “that will do”

She felt safe repeating the same mundane tasks day after day…

But deep inside, she knew… this wasn’t who she really was…

She knew she was capable of more …

Although she was hiding it well… her eyes were giving it away… they were reflecting her rebellious heart, they were the window to her true inner power that loved breaking boundaries and going beyond them completely…

Every time she looked in the mirror, she saw that little girl …impatient to grow up …full of dreams … who could not wait to turn them into reality…

Every time she was falling asleep she could hear that little girl whisper… “you are more than this”… “it is time to stop holding back on your dreams and start going after them.”

…There was just that one question she needed an answer to: WHAT IS STOPPING ME…?


That “nice girl”, scared of her own inner power… I was her.

That woman at a crossroads, not knowing which direction to go next… I was her

Today, I’m too busy to be scared. I’m too busy to worry about what other people think. I am busy building my own empire, I am busy trying out my new wings and enjoying flying… I am too busy being in love with life. There is no more place for drama in my heart.


But I know that “that girl” is still out there somewhere…

Asking herself the same questions: “What should I do next?”, “What am I scared of?”, “What is my real dream?”, “How do I find my passion?”, “How can I stop playing it small?”…

And if you meet her… What are you going to tell her?

And if you are her – What are you going to do next?

Do you need help making that first step?

get in touch

Photos credit: Marina Vitale and Parker Amstutz on Unsplash


kasia nissanka